Community Book Clubs in October 2018.. ONLINE and OOLTEWAH

4 Dynamic 'A Little Bookish' Clubs meet both online and at our retail shop in Ooltewah each month for customers who purchase the books from 'A Little Bookish'.  Coffee and Espresso are provided during our book clubs and powerful intellectual (and many times quite hilarious!) discussion takes place as powerful topics from strengthening relationships to arts, culture, and faith are all involved.  

Sign Up for a Group by Noting 'BOOK CLUB' in the notes at Check-out and you will be invited to both the online 'A Little Bookish' Club and in-store

October, 2018's Clubs Are: 

The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren (Christian Discussion)  (Book Link)

The Notebook, Smith (Romance)  (Book Link) 

Michelle Obama (Non-Fiction Discussion)  (Book Link)

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